Friday, January 6, 2017
Started this morning off by dropping the kids at school. Our 4 year old
has been sick for two days with a cough and now a fever. I'm glad it's Friday,
I've been thinking about all the things that I need to get done during this
weekend. Good thing the kids are old enough to help me with chores and
other things that I need help with. I've been wanting to go coupon shopping
to stock up on things we will need before this next snow storm comes in and
will wait until the kids get off school, so they can stay with Jr. so I can run
and get some cereal, shelf stable milk and canned goods, to tide us over
for another month or so.
The last winter storm we had was right before winter break and it happened
two days before it started and the kids were stuck at school until 8 pm and
didn't get home until almost 10 pm. I had left at 3 to pick them up and ended
up stuck in traffic until 8 pm and had to phone my husband to pick them up
since I was like a mile or two from the school and traffic wasn't budging.
hubby got there and was told that they had gotten a ride back home with the
vice principal and another member of the staff. I was worried because the
last address they had for us was the motel not too far from the school and
they would now find out that we were at a motel 8 miles away from them.
They were very understanding and let the kids attend school, since they are
always on time and doing well in school. So I am very grateful for those
Getting back to sewing has been on my mind all morning, since Nesi said,
she needs a new outfit for their choir concert at school coming up. I've
been stocking up on patterns and materials, but still have to gather up the
courage to sew something. The last time I sewed her something was a
nightgown in 2012 and she loved it so much. I'm thinking maybe a simple
skirt pattern will do and we could just buy the top to go with it. Just trying
to save money here and there.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Here's to a new year of goals and a fresh start
Welcome 2017! It's refreshing to know that we're now starting a new year, new goals
and I will be going back to daily updates. A lot has happened since I was last on here.
We've moved, the kids are growing so fast and I'm looking at doing a clean sweep
this year of all things that have been holding me back and letting go of all fears of
Our baby is now 3 going on 4 years old, the older children are in college,one married,
one going through a separation, 2 of them in middle school and I am now a grandmother
to a beautiful granddaughter.
We moved out of our last home of 3 years in July of last year and are now in and
out of motels until we find a place to call home. Dh finally got a laptop for our kids
to use and I get to use it while they're at school or update while they're asleep at night.
We haven't been to church since July, so I will find a ward that is closest to us for
us to attend, starting this Sunday. The kids are looking forward to it and so am I.
The closest one is the Tongan ward, but I've been not wanting to go since we were
last there and drama broke out there. My kids have asked me to please not look at
what happened there last time and for us to just go and at least catch sacrament as
a start and then we could leave after. So I agreed, they need spiritual fulfillment as
well and it's been selfish of me to hold them back from it.
I'll end for now since I have to run and pick the kids up from school.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Meet The Newest Addition To Our Family..Baby Mel Elijah Jr.
We're so in love with our new addition to the family, baby Meleki Elijah.
He keeps me so busy lately these days that I don't have time for anything
else. So I cherish the time we have with him. It's been almost 3 months
since he arrived and the children love him to bits as well as Meleki Sr.
as seen here in this pic. (above) He is always cooing now and smiling at
the older children. I do have to remind them now and then to please let
the baby get his rest.
Sorry the quality of the pic. isin't great. My 8 yr dd took it with her flip
phone after our family prayer. Well, I have to cut my post short as my
dear baby has awaken. Hope you'll all have a great weekend.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Nesi's baptism
I thought I had posted this but I guess I didn't post it the day I was supposed
to. I'll blame my absentmindedness on my pregnancy. So yes...Nesi got baptized
and her first cousin Vita baptized her and then her uncle Saia did her confirmation.
Dh's side flew down and so did the girls. We all went to Hometown Buffet
afterwards for dinner and had a great time with the families that came to
support Nesi and her special day. Here's some photos of that day I just wanted
to share with you.
7 Weeks To Go!
It's been a while since I've been on here. Alot has happened since
our happy announcement. I still haven't been able to get to a doctor
to check if it's a boy or a girl. Trying to get the insurance has been
a struggle for us. But I have been feeling the baby kick alot and last
night couldn't sleep that well from all the baby's movements.
The baby has gotten really low, so I know I'm getting close. I could
have this baby before the 7th week hits. I have a feeling it's a boy,
my mother thinks it's a girl and they're prepping and buying things as
if it's a girl coming. I've asked them to wait until the baby arrives so
we can see then.
We're also in the prep phase of moving to another home. We've
outgrown this home and are now looking for something where we'll
all fit with the baby. I'm a little stressed by it and not looking forward
to it. I have been packing little bit at a time and will leave the rest up
to dh to worry about.

Tia (my eldest daughter) graduated last month from Everest College
from their medical program and is now preparing to enter her papers
to go on her mission. I'm so proud of her and the path she's chosen.
Ami's still serving his mission in Forth Worth, Texas and is currently
living with another Tongan family in Euless and enjoying his work in
the Lord's field.

Hinalei (second daughter) is busy in high school with volleyball and
Loni turned 10 years old this month and enjoyed his birthday money
from friends and family. We did cake and ice cream for that and took
him to a nickecade to play to his heart's content.
Loni and Nesi have a Polynesian program after school today that
we'll be attending. Don't know what their dance number is. I did help
with the costumes and will be there at 4 pm today helping the kids
get dressed for their last activity before school gets out on the 12th.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Another Blessing For Our Family
photo credit: greeting card |
Last Thursday 11/29/12 on Nesi and Mom's birthday our family
got another surprise and wonderful news. I'm expecting! I was
scheduled to go in for my colposcopy Friday morning at 11:45
when I decided to run to the store Thursday night to get me a
pregnancy test. After the swollen feet on thanksgiving night and
bouts of nausea after smelling certain foods, I was certain that
I was pregnant. But wasn't sure, since it's been like 8 years or
so. After seeing the double lines on the stick, I knew I had to
make a call asap in the morning to let them know that the test
came back positive.
The day before I was on the phone with them and they asked
if I've already had my period, so it wouldn't interfere with the
surgical procedure and I told them that I hadn't had my period
and was still waiting. So they asked my when I last had it and
told me to get tested before coming in or I could go in and they
could do a test on me. So I decided against the latter, since I
was too eager to find out.
Dh is so excited that he was just walking around the house
singing and smiling! I was feeling happy and scared at the same
time. Thankful for the blessings, but totally not loving the morning
sickness deal. Most of this weekend, I've just stayed in bed with
closed doors, not able to handle the smell of my husband's
cooking in the kitchen. When I called mom to say happy birthday
to her, I also told her of the news and she was surprised and
asked me, "How long has it been since the last one?" Not sure
if she was happy for me, I said, "I know it's been a while and I
thought I was done as well." She told me that Heavenly Father
has more planned for me and to just pray about it. I'm one year
away from turning 40 and it's still a surprise to me, when I wake
up in the morning and thinking about it.
The kids are excited and arguing whether it's going to be a girl
or a boy. Loni says that it should be another boy to make it even.
3 boys and 3 said she's thankful for whatever He
blesses us with, she just wants a baby sibling to feed, change,
play and talk with.
Thanksgiving and Nesi's Birthday
Thursday- Thanksgiving 11/22
This thanksgiving turned out to be different. We had a full house
but not for thanksgiving but for a funeral here in town, a friend
of my husband's family. My girls flew down from Salt Lake to
spend some quality time with us and we ended up cooking 11
hours straight until 9:50 pm for this funeral to feed about 200+
people for that day. By the time 10pm hit my feet were so
swollen, I told my hubby that I'm done and going to put my feet up.
My hubby asked if we could cook that day with his sister, but
she was arriving late from my girls and I did most of
the cooking. I felt bad for the girls because we hadn't had a chance
to sit down and spend some time together and they were hungry
from their flight. So I told my hubby he'd better compensate the
girls, since they came down to spend time with me, not cook for
a funeral they were not going to. So he agreed.
Dh's sister, brother and two other friends of the family flew in for
this funeral. So the house was pretty packed and we only have 3
bedrooms. I slept with all the children in our bedroom and dh
camped out in the living room with his two friends. His brother
took Loni's room and his sister took Nesi's room. So it all worked
out.Friday- Celebrating Nesi's birthday 11/23
Nesi's 8th birthday was coming up on the 29th, same day with
my mom and so I decided that we were going to celebrate it
the next day since everyone was here. Nesi was not only excited
but was thankful that her sisters were here to be with her.
Dh's sister offered to buy the birthday cake from Costco since
we were still feeling the effects of cooking the day before and I
had to run to work. By the time we were singing happy birthday
later that night, my phone was no where to be found and I ended
up not having any pictures for Nesi's birthday. But her sisters did
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