Monday, February 15, 2010

Hosting a House Party

I haven't done a House Party in a while just
because I've been pretty busy and all. I did
visit House Party to see what kind of events
they have lined up and they got some pretty
great ones. I signed up to host a Sandwich Thins
Sandwich Revolution House Party on Feb. 27th
with my our young women and I just got notified
that I'm now a confirmed host!

I feel better hosting another one, now that
I have a working digital camera/video. The first
one gave out on me when I was supposed to
host the Windows 7 Launch Party and The
Ford Game Party..depending on other people
to take pics. didn't work and I'm still trying to
get the pictures from those 2 big events.

Plan on hosting a party? Why not sign up with
House Party :) They have lots of themes you
can choose from and you'll receive free items
and goodies to share with your guests just for
holding a party. You just need to follow their
rules and post up your pics. and stuff to stay
on the list of good hosts/hostesses.

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