Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Iki and Seini's Wedding

Iki and Seini Tonga

I'm now able to post up about my little brother's
wedding from two weeks ago. It kept us up for
many days and we're glad that it's over and that
they're now married and moving on:) Congrats
to Iki and Seini...

These are just a couple of pics. from before the
wedding and during.

Iki getting dressed up in his Tongan attire by 
mom and the aunties. 

These are Seini's sisters and family coming with her Tongan 
bedding. Then we exchange by giving them Iki's Tongan bed.

The couple with their mothers. 


Ane said...

I had no idea that you are Iki's sister! So Misi my uncle is he your brother as well? Small world! Geez, sorry I didn't know that, sorry Maopa!

Unknown said...

lol..hi Ane! Yes, Misi is my half brother. We have the same father, different mothers.Yup, small world..lol..no worries, Ane!