Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Here's to a new year of goals and a fresh start

Welcome 2017! It's refreshing to know that we're now starting a new year, new goals
and I will be going back to daily updates. A lot has happened since I was last on here.
We've moved, the kids are growing so fast and I'm looking at doing a clean sweep
this year of all things that have been holding me back and letting go of all fears of

Our baby is now 3 going on 4 years old, the older children are in college,one married,
one going through a separation, 2 of them in middle school and I am now a grandmother
to a beautiful granddaughter.

We moved out of our last home of 3 years in July of last year and are now in and
out of motels until we find a place to call home. Dh finally got a laptop for our kids
to use and I get to use it while they're at school or update while they're asleep at night.

We haven't been to church since July, so I will find a ward that is closest to us for
us to attend, starting this Sunday. The kids are looking forward to it and so am I.
The closest one is the Tongan ward, but I've been not wanting to go since we were
last there and drama broke out there. My kids have asked me to please not look at
what happened there last time and for us to just go and at least catch sacrament as
a start and then we could leave after. So I agreed, they need spiritual fulfillment as
well and it's been selfish of me to hold them back from it.

I'll end for now since I have to run and pick the kids up from school.