Finally getting settled into our new place.
yes, we downsized to a 2 bedroom 2 bath
apartment. small storage, no garage. It's
hard trying to find a place for everything.
We couldn't bring half of our furniture
from the house with us, so I called my
parents and asked if they could pick up
2 bedrooms worth of furniture, most of my
equipment from work, our bbq grill and
all our patio furniture.
I'm pretty excited that we'll be saving
$1100.00 a month in rent and,
that helps me on my path to saving lots
of $$$$.
I haven't posted regularly since the
beginning of this move. But am definitely
getting back in to the swing of things.
I was feeling really fatigued after the
move and only running on 5 hours of sleep
a day. Thanks to General Conference this
week I'll be relaxing more and getting
to the Gym more often!!
Did I tell you it's open 24 hours?
I love that they have alot of variety in there.
I mean equipment:) I went last night and
ran half an hour on the treadmill.
The last time I was on a treadmill was
8 years I was proud to at least
get in my 30 minutes!