Sunday, October 16, 2011

Seeing Ami off to Hawaii

My two oldest ones pictured above before my son, Ami heads
off to Hawaii to work with my uncle. I'm so proud that Ami 
has chosen to put in his papers to serve his mission this December. 
A couple of weeks ago he received his Melchizedek priesthood 
along with his bestie, Braxton Tuiono and it was a joyous time 
for both our families. 

My dad thought that it would be great for Ami to meet his 
cousins in Hawaii and work with his uncle to save up for his 
mission. Ami was kinda sad to leave, so am I. But, I believe
this will build his character. I told him it won't be that long. 

His little brother told me last night that his big brother must
be homesick and that we should send him back home. I 
agree, but we'll give him two weeks. If he doesn't like it there 
we can always send him back. I miss him already and hope 
he's making wise choices, helping out at the house and cleaning
up after himself. 


yonca said...

What a great pic of them. I love your family pics. Hugs!

Unknown said...

Thanks Yonca! Hope all is well there with you and your family, Happy Monday!!

More Than Words said...

Oh wow! How exciting for him! I think by him going, it will help build his independence!! And what an awesome place to do it at! Good for him!

Unknown said...

Thanks Alicia:) It's been fun for him, we're sending him back here for a couple of days before he goes back..he loves it there and doesn't want to come

Kepa 4leta said...

Beautiful and Handsome, they get their good looks from their beautiful mom! =)